Can you ride horses if you have Osteoporosis?

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Can you ride horses if you have Osteoporosis?   Written by Dr. James Warson. A disease in which calcium is lost from the bones, resulting in weakening, and in severe cases, collapse. It is more common in the bones of the spine, and the vertebrae may collapse on each other. Most patients are postmenopausal females, and … Read more

Los nativos americanos hablan sobre montar y trabajar con caballos

darien 2

Solo hay tres razones por las que los caballos no viajan, relajados y atravesados: miedo, dolor y confusión.  Como criaturas de vuelo miedo es a menudo la primera respuesta de un caballo a nuevos estímulos. Los caballos ven a su jinete como un líder y confían en ellos para comunicar si la situación requiere su … Read more

Native Americans Speak about Riding and Working with Horses

There are only three reasons horses do not travel round, relaxed, and through: Fear, Pain, and Confusion.  As creatures of flight fear is often a horse’s first response to new stimuli. Horses look to their rider to be a leader and rely upon them to communicate whether the situation requires their attention or if they can trust their rider to lead them … Read more