Saddle Pad Endorsed by Doctors Sore Back Horse Rider


Saddle Pad Endorsed by Doctors  Sore Back Horse Rider. Back pain in horseback riders is nothing new, “it’s been a problem for at least 3,000 years,” say James Warson, M.D. The horseman and now-retired physician spent 20 years as a neurosurgeon and medical director at a Fort Collins, Co. clinic. He combined his medical skills … Read more

Can you ride horses if you have Osteoporosis?

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Can you ride horses if you have Osteoporosis?   Written by Dr. James Warson. A disease in which calcium is lost from the bones, resulting in weakening, and in severe cases, collapse. It is more common in the bones of the spine, and the vertebrae may collapse on each other. Most patients are postmenopausal females, and … Read more