Woven Wool Saddle Pads – Better for the horse, better for the sheep!


Merino Sheepskin, why do riders love it and how can we make it better?

Is sheepskin considered fur? Sheep fur is variously called sheepskin or lambskin, while the fur of a sheep which has been recently sheared is called shearling. And just for total clarity, when we use sheep hair without the skin attached, it’s called wool, and no animals are killed to produce it.

Is shearing sheep cruel?

So it is cruel to shear sheep? According to Peta, yes. But; on the contrary, for the majority of modern sheep, it is cruel not to shear them. Domestic sheep do not naturally shed their winter coats. … Shearing has to be done.

Do horses really love sheepskin against their skin?

Wool is infamous for being an itchy fabric. Merino wool, however, is a different story. … Merino wool is able to ditch the itch thanks to its fiber’s smaller diameter, or being “finer”. These fibers are more flexible and softly bend when pressed against the skin and, therefore, don’t itch like other wool products. This is why we use only the finest Merino wool for our wool horse saddle pads.

What exactly is Merino Wool?

Merino wool is a natural fiber grown by a breed of sheep called Merino sheep.

We choose to work with Merino wool because it’s pretty darn perfect for every adventure regardless of the season. Each fiber naturally helps regulate body temperature, transports sweat away like a vapor, and cancels out odors (we tested it ourselves).

The benefits of Merino wool enable horses to go farther and experience more comfort—making it the ideal performance material for any type of riding in any temperature or humidity.

It’s natural and environmentally sound.

Merino wool is a natural, renewable fiber—meaning one sheep can grow four to five pounds of wool per year. Plus, this fiber has evolved over the years to keep sheep comfortable in harsh environments. These happy animals hang out in temperatures that range from 5 degrees to 95 degrees—no problem. It’s a pretty amazing fiber. It is also biodegradable. Merino wool disappears after about 12 months in the ground. That means that, when you’re done with your environmentally friendly wool saddle pad, the earth will take back this fibrous protein composed of amino acids—releasing carbon and nutrients back into the soil.

It Helps Regulate Body Temperature

What is Merino wool really good at? Helping keep the horses at a stable temperature. When it’s cold outside, the natural crimps and bends in its fibers trap air, insulating your horse. When it’s warm outside, it transports sweat quickly away from the skin, helping to keep your horse cool and dry.

wool fibersMerino is best but, What is Needled Merino?

Historically saddle pads are made from the entire hide.  This means you have the skin of the sheep still attached to the wool.  The skin is tanned (a chemical process that is itself destructive to the environment), and the pieces are often patchworked together to create a full saddle pad. I need to say no more…..

With Needled Merino Wool the sheep are sheared, the wool is prepared and then needled with huge looms onto a synthetic backing that looks and feels like a hide but is not!

Washing and Durability.

As you can imagine, it is generally the hide (skin) itself that fails. This is why you often see clumps of the wool coming out of your very expensive saddle pad.  The hide cannot repeatedly get wet without eventually hardening and falling apart.  This is why we shear the sheep and then take those fibers and needle them onto a synthetic fabric with a huge machine that looks like an industrial loom from the late 1800s.  The needled wool gives you everything you want from Merino wool without all the maintenance!

Ride, get sweaty, throw it in the washing machine!

No Sheep are harmed! Easy Care. Low Maintenance and Extended Durability!

We recommend you try our Merino Wool Sheepskin Pads today.

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