Western Saddle Pads, It’s about the ThinLine, not the textiles.

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  We frequently receive questions regarding which ThinLine Western pad is the best. Every ThinLine Saddle Pad comes with this amazing material. You simply choose the style of pad you like and the size to fit your saddle.  The textile the ThinLine is sewn onto differs to accommodate lifestyle and saddle shape. Every single ThinLine … Read more

Los entrenadores de caballos usan almohadillas para sillas de montar que absorben los golpes

Geoff Teall

Los entrenadores de caballos usan almohadillas para sillas de montar que absorben los golpes Los entrenadores de caballos y los sofás duplican las almohadillas antideslizantes y absorbentes de impactos durante la escolarización o cuando un caballo está más avanzado que un jinete. Si bien no sorprende que duplicar las almohadillas ThinLine ayude a los caballos … Read more

ThinLine Guarantee – Riders Using This Pad Will Sit the Gaits Better

. . . . With much less movement creating horses with confidence! Ears slightly pinned, tail-swishing, head tossing. These are all signals that the horse is uncomfortable  He is not mean; there are no mean horses. But sometimes when horses are in pain or in fear, they give these little signals showing they are unhappy. Without … Read more