The thin, Pro-Tech Felt Saddle Pad provides more shock absorption than a 2-inch thick felt pad. ThinLine eliminates pressure points. The needled wool felt pad is soft and flexible, allowing it to fit neatly and comfortably against your horses’ natural confirmation. Designed to allow a closer feel between horse and rider while providing the maximum non slip protection.
3D Mesh Spine Band
Square Felt Pad Construction
Two Panels of ThinLine Protection
Opening under panels for shimming needs
1/2 inch Brown Felt from Diamond Wool – one of America’s premium felt manufacturers
Keyhole wither relief
Ventilating 3D Mesh Spine Band
The Pro-Tech is also a Pocket Correction Pad
Full saddle-fitting shims are available when you select your pad size. These may be used as-is to double your protection or trimmed into pairs of the front, bridging, and rear shims to customize your saddle fit.
Money-Back Guarantee:
We are riders making products for riders so we understand how important the time we have with our horses is. If you feel ThinLine is not delivering what you need all products may be returned for a full refund within 30 days. Of course, we would prefer you give us a call and tell us what is and is not working for you. Around the world, this product has helped both riders and horses work happier together. We hope our 30-day satisfaction guarantee will help you have the confidence to try this amazing material.
SMALL – Round Skirt
29″ total length |14.5″ front drop | 12.25″ rear drop
Felt Saddle Pad Care Instructions
Our felt saddle pads have a high percentage of wool content. To avoid shrinkage, do not use hot water to clean, or heat to dry. Occasionally brush your pad with a curry brush. This will dislodge hair, dirt, and sweat to prolong the usefulness of your pad. Wool pads can be washed by scrubbing the dirty spots with a cloth or sponge, using cold water and a small amount of mild liquid wool-washing soap (We recommend EZ All). Hose all the soap off with clean water and allow the pad to air dry in a well-ventilated area. As you’re hosing, be sure to direct the spay from the center outward toward the edges, so that dirt, sweat, and hair is moved off of the pad and instead of being pushed into the pad.
What is ThinLine?
ThinLine is a thin, shock-absorbing non-slip breathable foam.
Impact (shock) absorbency of over 95%
Carrying Capacity – it is the only equestrian product that distributes rider weight across the pad
Non compressing – It never bottoms out, moves or degrades.
It is the only saddle pad endorsed by spinal surgeons, master saddlers, and veterinarians for back health in horses and humans.
You will feel all the sensations of your horses’ back muscles while enjoying the shock absorption and non-slip features of the trademark ThinLine foam. Balance, comfort, and security can all be yours in our saddle pads. You will find yourself sitting correctly, developing great core strength while enjoying a close but quiet communication with your horse. Equines love ThinLine – they feel unified with their rider. So go ahead, it is time to have the ride of your life.
How do I know ThinLine is delivering the comfort and protection my horse needs?
Once you receive your ThinLine pad, ride in it for at least a week. At first, you may simply notice things like; “my horse was great today, my seat and aids were soft and effective”, great job! you are on your way. You will see daily improvement. But, this can be a bit subtle in the beginning.
How to check out your pad’s effectiveness. After at least a week of riding daily, begin your warm-up with the ThinLine. Once you are warmed up, remove the ThinLine and ride. This is when you will see just how much your horse is loving their saddle pad
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My 24 year old foundation bred quarter horse mare has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and prescribed medication for it. She is mutton withered, 14.3 hand and short backed. The ProTech round skirt pad with mesh spine band is recommended on your website. Is this pad better suited to my horse than a contour western pad?
QMy 24 year old foundation bred quarter horse mare has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis and pres......
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Both pads are shimmable and offer the incredible shock protection and comfort of Ultra ThinLine performance foam. The main difference between the two are the materials of the base pad and the topline shape.
The Pro-Tech pads are made with a traditional topline (straight) and wither cut-out in the highest quality, most supple felt with shimmable Ultra ThinLine panels along the top of the pad. It's available in three sizes and requires typical felt maintenance (brushing regularly and washing with EZ All soap). The topline shape of this pad makes it a good choice for mutton withered horses.
The Contour Western Ranch pads are made with a very generous wither profile and are constructed from durable cordura, wool felt fill, and low maintenance synthetic fleece on the underlayer. The Ultra ThinLine panels provide the ultimate in protection and create a pocket for shimming. It's available in three sizes and 18 colors! This pad is machine washable and very easy to care for.
Would the wither cut out work for a high withered horse?
QWould the wither cut out work for a high withered horse?answer now
It would depend upon the height of the withers and how slab sidded the shoulders are. If you horse has good shoulders order away! If he/she is very thin just below the wither we would recommend any of our other shimmable western pads as they are all constructed with a high wither in place. Hope this helps.
What is the difference between the Western Pro Felt and the other Felt pad that is $100 more?
QWhat is the difference between the Western Pro Felt and the other Felt pad that is $100 more?answer now
AThis (brown) pad is a felt by Diamond Wool with a polyester blend. The polyester gives this pad good integrity while also making it easy to clean. The Grey felt pad is made of pressed merino wool, making the wool base more expensive
What percentage of wool is in the wool felt portion of pad?
QWhat percentage of wool is in the wool felt portion of pad?answer now
Our Pro-Tech felt is made up of 100% wool consisting of 80% virgin fibers.
What are the dimensions of the rounded shirt Western Pro-Tech Felt Saddle Pad?
QWhat are the dimensions of the rounded shirt Western Pro-Tech Felt Saddle Pad?answer now
The round skirt ProTech pad measures 29″ total length |14.5″ front drop | 12.25″ rear drop
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