Inspirational Horse Quotes Inspiring Riders for a decade

Inspirational Horse Quotes Inspiring Riders for a decade. Inspired products for inspired riders.

HC Western Seat Saver Brown Ranch Web
ThinLine is all about great connections


  Quote11  Quote9

Quote8 Quote5 2"Admitting your weaknesses does not diminish your strengths: It shows your courage." - Erin Andrews


Quote4 3
8896 WEB Close Contact on saddle square From seat makers to saddle pads. We make it better.

Quote5 Quote4


7334 Brn 4019 4020 Barrel Run cinch
We care about performance.
7055 White Dressage
Every step is about trust.

Quote4 2 Quote3 Quote3 2Quote3 3 Quote2 4 Quote2 2 Mandela Quote2a Quote3a 


YodaQuote Quote5a Quote81



Quote Quote21


Quote41 1538627 10152170624200049 1464784782 n


8802 HCLS Endurance full
We love to do the best for our friends.






ChaplinQuote ConfidenceQuote



Courage CourageQuote



Happiness IndianQuote



Quote 2Quote 31


Quote 4  Quote 5


Quote 6 Quote 7


Inspirational Horse Quotes  Inspiring Riders for a decade. At ThinLine Horse Tack our mission is to inspire riders to create the bond with their horse, to dream and develop a life long love of the relationship with equines. Through the products we find a closer connection with our horses. We hope you too will be inspired through these famous horse quotes to ride with greater joy.

What are the Effects of ThinLine Tack? “The manner in which this product absorbs motion encourages  horses to move through the back,” Elaine explains. “We receive stories daily of how ThinLine saddle pads have improved a horse’s movement or a rider’s ability to sit their horse’s gaits. These riders tell us they have little or no back strain and that their horses are working better and happier. It’s a two-way street of comfort,  preventing problems, resolving challenges and just having better communication.”

What is ThinLine? ThinLine incorporates a unique, open cell technology which moves shock, weight, and heat laterally along the pad without compressing. The result is 95% shock absorption. The magic lies in the way ThinLine absorbs shock but allows the rider to truly feel the horses back.  Motion is reduced by the rider and the horse and rider can work together in unison.  Regardless of whether you are a beginner or and FEI Rider ThinLine improves comfort, communication and equitation.

What are some additional features? The trademark open cell technology also makes ThinLine horse tack 100% breathable so heat and moisture are not trapped. An anti-microbial agent is also infused into  ThinLine girths and horse boots. Because ThinLine doesn’t compress or slip, pressure points created by movement in the saddle or challenges associated with working muscles are nearly eliminated.  It also has more longevity than any other product on the market. Many people get more than a decade out of a basic ThinLine Pad.

Inspirational Horse Quotes  Inspiring Riders for a decade