NEW Trifecta English Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls

The Trifecta English Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls

offers you more in 2020.

the best english half pad features


We gave you more ThinLine just where you need it.

The new Trifecta sheepskin half pads offer a deeper drop to ensure you have protection below the point of your tree and to create more shimming versatility.

english sheepskin half padblack english half pad with sheepskin

New ventilating spine band.

One of our most exciting new features.  The new 3-D mesh spine band serves several purposes.  It allows all heat to vent through the spine, and subsequently along the channel of the saddle. Keeping your horse cool in work and at play.  The 3-D mesh spine band also adds a level of softness and flexibility rare in English half pad saddle pads. Because the ThinLine gives you so much support and structure we were able to design in greater flexibility, liberating your horse to use his back even more.

Introducing The Half Roll.



spine free english saddle pad

spine free breathable english saddle pad


Trifecta English Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls is actually a half roll half pad!






Historically sheepskin trimmed half pads feature a full roll of sheepskin on the underside of the pad.  We found this problematic for two reasons.  The sheepskin trim serves no function and it creates a “bump”. This means the pad never lays truly flat against the horse.  Second, the sheepskin on the bottom of the pad can become dirty and matted. This reduces the lifespan of the pad and results in increased care and maintenance.


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In our 2020 half pad the Sheepskin rolls are placed on the top half of the pad only for a clean, even fit on your horse’s back.

Sponsored Rider Adriane Alvord Dressage 2 7416 Half Pad

white trifecta english half pad sheepskin rollstrifecta english half pad sheepskin rolls natural

The new Trifecta English Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls offers topline contour with improved wither clearance.

High wither or mutton withered horses will both love the new topline profile which allows you to create the perfect degree of freedom for your horses’ wither and top line.



Sponsored Rider Adriane Alvord Dressage 2 7416Sponsored Rider Adriane Alvord Dressage 7416



ThinLine Team Rider Adriane Alvord and her partner Selfmade, A.K.A. Selfie, in their Trifecta Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls at Dressage at Devon 2019.





What riders are saying about the Trifecta Half Pad with Sheepskin Rolls.

Jen Preston

Historically not into a lot of today’s equestrian targeted gear because I think a lot of it is super gimmicky and overpriced. But let me tell you something…I would give a kidney to keep my ThinLine pad. This year at my first show of the season (we are rehabbing) i was in a hurry to tack up I couldn’t get my ThinLine half pad situated on top of my show pad so I left it off. My back KILLED me for the next 3 days. I thought it was just the jumping that aggravated it as we have been focusing on flat work. Last night we hauled Ella out for a jump school…and today my back only has its normal pain (a riding injury left me with constant mild back pain).

ThinLine clearly has my back. The most compelling evidence for me.  After I switched to the ThinLine half pad my back no longer bothers me after rides. I noticed after riding without it I definitely had a lot more back pain. And now I’ll be ordering another ThinLine pad to use over my show pad.



I love my ThinLine pads! I get a closer feel with the peace of mind of the shock absorption. My horse goes very well with these pads and let me tell you, she is sensitive! ThinLine products are altogether incredibly durable and last forever when cared for. I have one for schooling and one for showing. I wouldn’t put anything else under my saddle!


Above all ThinLine strives to create the best and most highly effective equine products.

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