ThinLine Guarantee – Riders Using This Pad Will Sit the Gaits Better

. . . . With much less movement creating horses with confidence! Ears slightly pinned, tail-swishing, head tossing. These are all signals that the horse is uncomfortable  He is not mean; there are no mean horses. But sometimes when horses are in pain or in fear, they give these little signals showing they are unhappy. Without … Read more

Riding With a Pain Free Back: Saddle Pads the Doctor Ordered

The doctor’s order for a pain free back is in, and the prescription is the technologically advanced shock absorbing ThinLine Saddle Pads. In a the book entitled The Rider’s Pain Free Back — Over Chronic Soreness, Injury, and Aging  and Stay in the Saddle for Years to Come by James Warson, M.D. with Ami Hendrickson, Warson says riders … Read more

Montaje de la silla del caballo pura sangre

El caballo pura sangre, especialmente el caballo de carreras fuera de la pista puede ser una de las razas más desalentadoras para ensillar correctamente. La mayoría de las personas echan un vistazo a su cruz alta y afilada, los hombros profundos, y saben que, sin un ajuste adecuado, el resto de la espalda recibirá una … Read more

Saddle Fitting the Thoroughbred Horse

The Thoroughbred horse, especially the off the track racehorse can be one of the more daunting breeds to saddle correctly. Most people take one look at their sharp, high withers, the deep shoulders, and they know, without a proper fit, the rest of the back will take a real beating. Add to this the knowledge … Read more

ThinLine Receives Export Excellence Award

ThinLine Receives Export Excellence Award The International Trade Division of NC selected 10 companies out of several hundred to receive an Export Excellence Award. ThinLine was the smallest company ever selected to receive such a prestigious award.  According to International Trade Division leader Derek Chen, ThinLine was selected for several reasons: “ThinLine has delivered on … Read more