Neurosurgeon Author Of The Rider’s Pain-Free Back Recommends ThinLine Saddle Pads

Neurosurgeon Author Of The Rider’s Pain-Free Back Recommends ThinLine Saddle Pads

 Pads Deemed Best by Dr. James Warson for Reducing Saddle Movement and Absorbing Shock

ThinLine saddle pads are the preferred saddle pad choice of Dr. James Warson (ret), a neurosurgeon and lifelong horseman. In the new edition of his book with Ami Hendrickson, The Rider’s Pain-Free Back, Dr. Warson explains why he considers ThinLine saddle pads ideal for keeping a horse’s back healthy, as well as how ThinLine’s seat maker and saddle pad technology benefits riders.

“ThinLine pads are made of breathable non-compression-based open cell foam,” writes Dr. Warson, “which absorbs shock, concussion, and eliminates pitch, roll, and yaw better than anything else I’ve ever seen.”

The Rider’s Pain-Free Back breaks down the physics of movement and explains how combining two

eparate bodies—human and horse—creates additional sources of potential back strain and concussive injury. The technology and design of ThinLine foam sought to tackle this very issue and provide both horse and rider with a means of reducing and managing the shock so inherent to horseback riding.

Elaine Lockhead Castelao, ThinLine Founder, explains the importance of Dr. Warson’s endorsement: “ThinLine foam is extremely unremarkable when you see it in a store. Short of inundating consumers with ‘testing’ data, which so many companies do, I struggled with how to convey to people how much help and relief this product can bring them. There is little information available regarding how horseback riding can help – such as with osteoporosis, or hinder – such as riding with muscle strain or orthopedic spine issues.

“When Dr. Warson selected ThinLine saddle pads as his personal choice and stated so in his book; I sighed with relief. Now, ThinLine has the opportunity to help many more riders and their horses.”

The Rider’s Pain-Free Back is available now from Trafalgar Square Books,

ThinLine saddle pads and other products are available online at or at select equestrian retailers.







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