Terry Peiper de Fit Right Saddle Solutions en Carlisle PA.
Las almohadillas de sillín ThinLine me fueron presentadas por primera vez en 2010 cuando le pedí a Susan Harris, una instructora de equitación de Anatomy in Motion, que me aconsejara sobre cómo podíamos evitar que nuestros caballos de clase se amargaran. Sin dudarlo, ella respondió: “Excelentes almohadillas para sillas de montar que absorben el impacto de los jinetes principiantes que rebotan sobre sus espaldas”. Un instalador de sillas de montar me recomendó ThinLine, así que probé uno.
Caballos de la escuela:
Yo era instructor de equitación en un pequeño establo privado en ese entonces. Como es el caso con muchos establos, no tenía el presupuesto para una silla de montar a medida para cada caballo. La almohadilla ThinLine marcó una diferencia notable e inmediata en la actitud del caballo. Entonces, lo probé en mi propia yegua sensible. Creo que se volvió adicta porque si alguna vez intentábamos prescindir de él, se irritaba.
Ahora, entiendo su adicción porque mi otro caballo es un poco pequeño, de zancadas cortas y entrecortado. Tuve numerosos problemas con mi espalda a lo largo de los años montando este caballo, pero él es un buen tipo, sigo intentándolo. El dolor de cadera, rodilla y espalda son efectos secundarios muy comunes de andar en una silla de montar mal ajustada. La silla tiene que adaptarse al caballo y al jinete. Afortunadamente, descubrí que si uso el ThinLine Sheepskin Western Pad y una silla de montar que nos quede bien a los dos, no me duele la espalda. Solo un viaje sin mi ThinLine y mi espalda comenzará a doler.
¡Definitivamente soy un creyente!
Los instaladores de sillas de montar seleccionan productos para su negocio.
I was already a huge ThinLine fan when I started fitting saddles. Since our saddles are all completely adjustable there usually isn’t a need for a shimmable pad, but sometimes we need to build a pad for the client to use until their new adjustable saddle comes. Then, we simply remove the shims and we still have a great pad. To me, great pads are:
Soft natural material next to the horse:
Martha Josey said, “If it is soft enough to put against your face, it is soft enough to put on your horse’s back.” I just cringe when I see things like foam rubber saddle pads. We have all heard about the sensitivity of the horse’s skin being able to feel a fly, yet so many people put horrible uncomfortable and/or dirty materials on their horse’s backs.
Contoured to the shape of the horse’s back:
If the pad doesn’t follow the shape of the horse’s back and allow some relief at the withers, it can rub on the spinal ligament causing painful pressure, soreness and muscle atrophy.
Not so thick that they make our saddles to tight:
Most of the time we see pads that are way too thick for the saddle they are being used with, making the saddle way too tight. The thickness of the pad depends on the type of saddle and condition of the horse. Sadly, the saddle pad advertisements lead us to believe the big thick special pads can fix a poorly fitting saddle.
Why would a Saddle Fitter Shim a Pad?
Some of my clients have saddles made by other manufacturers that are fitting pretty close but can be made better with a shimmed pad. ThinLine pads allow me to put the shim exactly where that horse needs it. The shims on the left side usually need to be different than the shims on the right side due to the horse’s asymmetry. I think it is crazy good luck if you can find a pad with the shoulder holes already filled in exactly in the right place for your horse. And it’s even crazier good luck if your horse is exactly the same on both sides. ThinLine pads let me put the shims exactly where the horse needs them to be with that saddle. And the shims are made out of the same ThinLine material so they provide even more protection.
One saddle for every horse.
Some of my clients have one saddle and more than one horse. If the saddle’s tree angle matches up to both horse’s shoulder angles, we can usually fit the saddle to the larger horse and shim a pad for the smaller horse. That way we can use one saddle on more than one horse successfully.
Therapeutic facilities or riding stables.
Some of my clients have numerous horses like a therapeutic facility or riding stable. In those cases, we measure all the saddles, determine which ones are close to fitting and then build a pad for the horse/saddle combination. With a silver marker, we write the horse’s name right on the pad and provide a little mark where the front of the saddle should be when tacked up. That way I know that the person tacking up puts the saddle on the pad in the same place that I did when I put it together.
Local Veterinarians support the choice.
Dr. Ivana Ruddock specializes in equine anatomy from the inside out, educating horse lovers through horse dissection clinics. A large part of the horse’s saddle support area is covered with fascia. Since fascia communicates to the brain 4 times faster than the nervous system, she said: “a pad that distributes pressure out horizontally would be a big benefit to the horse.” I believe she is right, the reactions of the horses I have worked with for the past 6 years have proven it.
Saddle fit really does affect our horse’s behavior, performance and ultimately the health of horse and rider. Saddle pads and girths have a huge influence on the saddle fit. Thankfully Thin Line has given us a product that we can use to help the horses be more comfortable doing their jobs. Thank you Thin Line.
Soluciones de sillín Terry Peiper
Fit Right
“Hacer correr la voz sobre el ajuste adecuado de la silla y cómo afecta el comportamiento y el rendimiento de nuestro caballo y, en última instancia, la salud del caballo y del jinete”.
717 609-2822
Buck N Horse Hollow
6 Buck Dr.
Carlisle PA
17015 el caballo de doma occidental son utilidad, manejabilidad, disposición, seguridad, aire puro, ligereza, calma y estabilidad. Todo lo cual habla de la comodidad, el elemento más importante en el ajuste del sillín.
Montador de caballos de escuela, doma western y confort.